Saturday, 6 March 2010

Exciting updates!

Some exciting updates regarding Translations:

1. We now have the official endorsement of Magdalen College!

2. A warm barbarian welcome to the latest member of our stage crew team, co-Stage Manager Tom Chisholm!

(In response to questioning of his manliness)
Kate: You've got a unicorn on your face, sweetcheeks.
Tom: It makes my cheeks all the sweeter.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Our lovely cast is here!

We are delighted to be able to announce the full cast list for our upcoming production of Translations:

Manus - Michael Graham
Sarah - Kate O'Connor
Jimmy Jack - Tim Kiely
Maire - Nadine Gilmour
Bridget - Ashleigh Wheeler
Doalty - Christopher Hayes
Hugh - Laurie Blair
Owen - Toby Lloyd
Captain Lancey - Vyvyan Almond
Lieutenant Yolland - Timothy Coleman

And what do you do with a gorgeous full cast? Have a first full run-through, of course...


Barbarian Productions are delighted to announce their upcoming production of Brian Friel's Translations at the Keble O'Reilly in 3rd week, Trinity Term 2010...

In 1833, the rural, Gaelic-speaking township of Baile Baeg in Co. Donegal, Ireland, is in for a dramatic upset to its everyday affairs: a British cartographic expedition, headed by the domineering Captain Lancey of the Royal Engineers, is putting together a new map of the Province. ‘Translations’ brilliantly presents the flashpoint of cross-cultural encounters, blending intense personal drama with a kaleidoscopic overview of the fraught history of Anglo-Irish relations. In the strained relationships between lovers, siblings and whole national spheres, the audience are confronted with a timeless testing of loyalty, identity, collective memory and personal freedom through the scope of a community caught halfway between absurdity and Arcadia.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Who we are...

Barbarian Productions is a student theatre production company based at the University of Oxford

Directors - Tim Kiely & Kate O'Connor
Producer - Mark Heath
Production Manager - Michael Galvin
Designer - Tom Gammage
Lighting Designer - Charlie Blunt
Stage Managers - Marcus Field, Sophie Stephenson-Wright, & Tom Chisholm
Marketing Managers - Declan Clowry & Olivia Madin
Costume Designer - Gabrielle Cahen
Assistant LD/SD - Edward Down & Jane Sancinito
Director of Photography - Phillipa Baines